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Pray and Work Day April 15, 2023
Ann Swiontek, Mary Kendall, Ada Hosier, Margaret Stapleton, Leslie Miskowiec, Barbara Terkoski, Karen Steilberger, and Scott Swiontek gather after Morning Prayer with the Sisters for work instructions.
Oblates join the Sisters for Midday Prayer before lunch.
Margaret Stapleton catches up with Sisters Dorothy, Angela, and Louise during lunch.
Ann and Scott Swiontek enjoy lunch with Sr. Susan Nicole.
Ada Hosier enjoyed meeting Sr. Lucia at lunch.
Sr. Mary Coswin, visiting from Saint Benedict Monastery in Winnipeg, entertained Karen Steilberger, Barbara Terkoski, and Peggy York-Garcia during lunch.
Mary Kendall and Leslie Miskowiec sat with Sr. Antoinette for lunch.
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